
Before everything else, I want you to receive my apologies for the delay in the release of a new piece. I faced some challenges which affected the publication of my write-ups. Pardon me.

But here we are with a whole new piece and I pray it blesses you.

So ever shared a secret with a friend you trust? What was the feeling? Kind of safe and relieving? There were many others but you chose that very person because you believe he/she could keep your secret. Better still help you out with the problem and maybe because you know telling that person will not be embarrassing or shameful as it will be with the others. Sometimes to prevent all these embarrassments, humiliations and shame, we just keep everything to ourselves. We feel it’s safe to keep our pain and shame locked up inside no matter how it hurts.

We all at a point, face situation that we don’t know how to handle them. Why don’t we just open up to someone at times? We are scared of how things will turn out. It’s either those we confined in will fail us or there may be some sort of punishment.

Growing up, I went to the corn mill once to get some corn grinded. During the process of grinding, I became so curious about knowing what was in the mill, grinding the corn. So, I decided to put my hand where the powder was coming from. Before I realized, I heard a sound and then felt a sharp pain. It was one of my fingers. I quickly took it out only to realized that I had a deep cut. That was when the owner of the mill who was my friend realized I was hurt. He had to stop what he was doing to give me some first aid. I was deeply hurt. I didn’t go home early and on my way home, I placed my hand in my pocket to prevent anyone from noticing what happened to me. I did all I could that evening to prevent my parents from knowing because I was scared I was going to be punished.

It was the next day that the corn mill owner came around to tell my parents what happened the previous day. My mom was surprised I didn’t tell her what happened to me. I explained I was embarrassed and scared and that was why I kept it to myself. We all at a point go through situations or problems and worries and we don’t know how to handle them because of the nature of man. He/she is one person today and another tomorrow. But can I recommend a very special person to you?

Once you are still reading, it means you really want to know that person. He is so special that, He is the only one who can be trusted in this world. Faithful is His name. His name is JESUS CHRIST.

Let me tell you something special about Him. He loves us so much that no matter how the situations may look, He is ever present to be of help. He longs for us so much more than a mother longs for her new born baby. No matter how dirty we are or how deep we are sinking or dirty our sins may look, His desire for us never ceases. He waits for us patiently to carry our burdens for us. (Mat 11:28 ISV “come to me all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest ˮ) He also promised to give us whatsoever we want or need. Yes anything. (John 14: 13-14 I will do whatsoever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14. If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.). He even promised to send us a helper (Holy Spirit) who will help us in all things. And you know, He needs not to be in a good mood before we can approach Him and then tell Him our plight or that which troubles us neither do we need to book an appointment before we can see Him nor do we need airtime before talking to Him. And there is no specific time that He is available, He is always available 24/7 no matter where or what we might be doing.

So, what is it that troubles you day and night and it seems there is no one you can trust and talk to? Which load are you carrying that seems so heavy for you? What is that secret sin that has entrapped you and you don’t know how to break free from? What is that embarrassing or shameful burden or trouble that is upon you and you feel like sharing with someone, but you don’t know the perfect person to share it with?

Jesus is ever willing to carry our burdens and problems not with us but for us. He so longs and waits for us. In Luke 15:11-22, talks about the prodigal son who wasted part of his life. But when he realized his mistakes, he decided to go back home. In verse 20-21, the Bible says while he was still far away, his father saw him. When he saw him, he didn’t despise him but rather, he was filled with love and compassion. And that wasn’t all, this old man run to meet his dear son and not only that, he embraced him and kissed him. This shows how his father loved and cherished him despite all he has done. That is how Jesus also loves and waits for us, even much more than that of the old man. We only need to make a step by telling him our secrets sins, worries, pains, burdens, etc. and He will run to carry them for us and give us a good treat just like that which was done for the prodigal son. We just need to come to Him just as we are and lay our troubles before Him and He will take good care of us as He has and still doing for others.

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